teaching art, learning art the SpaceKraft Pompadour The Pleasure is mine manifeste fidèle banal strangeness sf-target.org OBC in Dazed and Confused ! sous l'eau trash communication posters collection dandelions'Marquise wall for graphic burö there is a cat on the boat saison numérique Fresh erba valence un champ magnétique sec future rocks les petites students mayan's way domino delivery service The Sting of the Jellyfish Big Gore No dead dolphin fur club valentin delivery service en voiture avec Trintignan Boutique de robes de mariée oil - oil - oil blackmail birthday allo inspector ? le lancé de Yéti

we were invited to participe to the symposium
learning art, teaching art, at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, 25th and 26th Nov 2010.

An experimental Space for art, graphic
design and party, managed by students
from ENBA Lyon, in a bourgeois flat in
the center of Lyon, France, 2008 to 2010.

a year long atelier proposed to the ENBA students, October 2009 to June 2010.

The Old Boys' Club manifest.

A show with the students of the California Collegue of the Arts, from the class called Banal Strangeness, at the Cottage, Jackson street, San Francisco, december 2008.

An Online project with the graphic design students of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des beaux-Arts de Lyon.